Business Systems Integration

Business Systems Integration

We support the latest integration technologies, standards and techniques that enable developers and non-developers to include Obzervr in their end-to-end business processes. This involves multiple, best-of-breed systems to achieve a holistic, real-time process. Enhancing the usability and ROI of your existing solutions, Obzervr is customisable, secure and efficient. Capture and use data the intelligent way.

Connected Pronto Automation

Connected Pronto Automation

With Pronto API connectors, integrating Obzervr to Pronto is seamless providing the missing link necessary for field workers to be more productive and proactive. Find out more about our integration capability by calling one of our sales team or booking a live demo.

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Connected SAP Automation

Connected SAP Automation

Integrating Obzervr to SAP is fast and reliable with prebuilt connectors to the SAP Plant Maintenance module, creating a turning point in the maintenance digitalisation value chain. Find out more about our integration capability by calling one of our sales team or booking a live demo.

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Key Benefits

Obzervr provides real-time notification of activity that has taken place within the system so that external systems can take subsequent, real-time action.

Gartner calls this the Post-modern ERP  and to truly participate systems need to be event-driven and avoid polling and batch techniques for integration. Obzervr allows external systems to subscribe to events allowing for text messaging (SMS) and email notification in real-time.

Manage by exception

Gartner calls this the Post-modern ERP and to truly participate systems need to be event-driven and avoid polling and batch techniques for integration. Obzervr allows external systems to subscribe to events allowing for text messaging (SMS) and email notification in real-time.

Connect multiple best-of-breed systems to achieve a holistic, end-to-end real-time business process. Obzervr provides real-time notification of activity that has taken place within the system so that external systems can take subsequent, real-time action.


Connect multiple best-of-breed systems to achieve a holistic, end-to-end real-time business process. Obzervr provides real-time notification of activity that has taken place within the system so that external systems can take subsequent, real-time action.

Obzervr is ready to provide the real-time interface for batching systems. In this mode, Obzervr becomes a real-time proxy for real-time data exchange between the chatter and the batching systems.


Obzervr is ready to provide the real-time interface for batching systems. In this mode, Obzervr becomes a real-time proxy for real-time data exchange between the chatter and the batching systems.

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Discover more from a high-powered Field Work platform that adapts to your needs. Request a demo now.

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If you have any questions about the Obzervr platform, our partners, or just want to chat to our team, please get in touch with us today.

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